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Will Brahimi resign?

It seems Brahimi wants to ditch the organization thanks to which he got the post he now flaunts. He's right up to a certain extent: despite all the beautiful empty words, the Arab League has done almost nothing to put an end to the conflict in Syria, giving much leeway to renewed talks about a "good for nothing body". But we have to take into account there hasn't been much/enough help from other international actors. The conflict finds itself at a dead end, and meanwhile people keep either dying by the thousands, either fleeing the country heading towards an unbearable uncertain situation. UN officials already speak about a "humanitarian catastrophe". I really don't know what can be done. I believe nobody does. But enough is enough. A new Lebanon might crash all the hope the "Arab Spring" once kindled. Please, whoever may help, don't let us, and by us I mean the whole human race, down.

P.S. Rumour has it the one to replace Brahimi will be Mokhtar Lamani.


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