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It's that time of the week! I of course welcome any additional link.

Links on the conflict in Gaza

The new Rais' Constitutional Declaration (text and related hereEgyptian judges have accused him of putting in jeopardy balance of power, even though some don't quite agree with this accusation
His controversial Revolution Protection Law may fail
ME nuclear talks won't take place soon
Arafat's body will be exhumed on Tuesday (introduction here)
Iran warns the U.S.
Karzai starts setting the tone for the handover of power
Charges against the Christian girl in Pakistan have finally been dropped, even though her and her family are still at risk (I talked about it here)
Courageous youth in Iran
Additional burdens for Saudi women
Syrian refugees gear up for a dire winter
Turkey and the EU: irreconcilable differences?
Syria's unveiled woman's huge controversy
Extremism is Egyp's real main challenge
Egypt's "new/old" role in the region: Morsi was to attend a key Muslim meeting in Pakistan BUT decided not to go because of the pressing situation in Gaza
What's the link between Cristiano Ronaldo and Gaza?
Thankful because America hasn't turned out like Israel
Not directly linked to the MENA region, but good article: what Stephen Walt is thankful for
In memory of Mohamed Mahmoud
On the Muslim Sisterhood
Cultural revival in Irak?
On Egypt's priorities (in Spanish)
Be careful with what you do in Dubai...
How much does Morocco's king earn? (in Spanish)
Al Qaeda arranges marriages to prevent defections
Details on Bin Laden's burial
Pharaonic statue discovered in Luxor
Soccer to resume in Egypt
A tragedy in Sinai: dual nationals
A biography of the new Coptic Pope
More on KSA's next ruling generation
Lebanese President pays a visit to Benedict XVI (remember the Pope visited the region back in September?)
On the controversial Irak-Russia arms deal
Being an atheist in Saudi Arabia
A link between the King of Jordan and the Jewish Community?
A new city within Dubai
A beautiful initiative: a music academy for people from all over the region (in Spanish)
Is Israel interested in Assad's overthrow?
Do you remember when I wrote about Kuwait? Well, the controversial decree was approved and the opposition is already gearing up for the elections. But, who are they?

First step towards an intervention in Syria?
I do believe Turkey is actually the only country who could lead, if needed (that's another matter) an eventual foreign intervention in Syria: it's a regional country with a capable military, and it's Syria only neighbor both not tied down by a difficult internal situation (unlike Lebanon and Jordan) and eventually willing to act (unlike Israel and Iraq). Plus, it will undoubtedly boost the country's international stance, something Erdogan has been looking forward to for years.

I also updated my post on Bahrain.


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